“凝心聚力谋发展,砥砺前行谱新篇” 记昆山德国工业园工作交流会
2017-01-21 267为了更好的开展2017年工作,昆山德国工业园于1月20日下午召开全体工作人员会议,会上大家围绕2016年的工作情况及2017年的工作计划进行了深入的交流。张浦镇党委副书记张雪冬、党委委员王培铨参加交流讨论。
2016-12-13 23712月12日下午,昆山德国工业园参加中德经济顾问委员会中方秘书处主办的“2016中德合作高管对话”活动,商务部欧洲司司长周晓燕、中德经济顾问委员会中方主席单位中国工商银行副行长胡浩、中德经济顾问委员会成员单位代表、地方政府代表及有关...
KSGIP Held Chinese Economic Forum and “China Day in Dortmund”
2016-10-28 297The Chinese Economic Forum and “China Day in Dortmund”was held by KSGIP and the Dortmund Chamber of Commerce in the g...
KSGIP Attend the 26thAnniversary of German Reunification
2016-09-23 203KSGIP was invited by Mr. Peter Rothen, the consul general of German Consulate General in Shanghai and Mrs Gerlind Rot...
KSGIP Joined German Economic and Trade Communication and Cooperation Seminar for the Local Provinces and Cities
2016-08-31 165On the morning of 31st August, KSGIP took part in the German economic and trade communication and cooperation seminar...
Kunshan German Industrial Park Attended the Opening Ceremony of Franken German-Chinese Friendship Association
2016-06-17 265Last night, Kunshan German Industrial Park was invited to attend the opening ceremony of Franken German-Chinese Frien...
Economic&Trade Delegation of Wuppertal Germany visit KSGIP
2016-04-12 211On 12th April, Dr.Johannes Slawing, vice manager of Wuppertal city accompanied with director of Economy Promotion Bur...